Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Skin So Soft and All It's Various Uses.

A Refresher on the many benefits of Skin So Soft and all it's's isn't just for the bath anymore.

Ok, so on this week's blog I'm cheating a little bit and writing about something we all know already,  but do you know ALL the uses for SSS?  I didn't and that's why I thought this might be a good topic to revisit.

There are many websites that tout the benefits of using SSS bath oil but I decided to use this one for the simple reason that some of these I did not know about and I want to try them.  In the interest of time and my hands I will not post all of them here but will provide the link so that you can check them all out at your leisure. 


Let's start with #20 on the list.  
#20.  Kills Ants Instantly.  I know that this is true.  I sold it to a co-worker of mine that bought it just for that reason.  She said the second she sprayed it on the little buggers it stopped them in their tracks and killed them instantly.  My mom is going to get some now because she has ants in her house.  Heck I would get it for # 56 alone ~ Kills Spiders~ I hate spiders but that's a topic for another blog at another time.  Moving right along.

#22.  Wash hair with shampoo and conditioner like always and after it dries.... Use a dime-sized dab of SSS and rub it in your hair. It goes straight in and leaves hair as shiny as the ads on TV, not greasy at all, just soft and shiny.  I have not tried this one but I think I will tonight and report back.  I really like the Moroccan Argan Oil but I'll try anything once....well almost anything ;)

#27Sponge it around doors, windows, and on screens to keep crawling bugs out.  I am definitely going to do this one.  Going back to #56 where I HATE SPIDERS!

#37.  Removes crayon from appliances and most painted surfaces.  This would have been helpful to know back when my daughter was 3 and marked on every piece of furniture I owned and every wall in the house.  But I have grandchildren and I'm sure they will feel the need to mark something up.

#54.  Put SSS in one of those insecticide sprayers on the garden hose. Spray the back yard! This will cut down on ants, mosquitoes and fleas!  This one is interesting and I would like to give it a try.  Every year my animals are infested with fleas and we go running to the vet for the $70 flea medicine.  We have 2 cats and 2 dogs so you do the math...EXPENSIVE.  I read on another list that if you bathe your animals and give them a SSS rinse that it will repel the fleas.  This is something we are doing tomorrow because although they don't have fleas just yet one of our dogs has a terrible allergy to his own skin and it gets really bad in the summer time and I'm hoping this will help him feel better.

#58.  Add a capful to wash water of clothes...acts as a fabric softener and keeps the bugs off clothes.  I'm not sure really how this would work but I'm willing to give it a try.

#69.  Also if you ever make candles, use clear melted wax and put SSS in as it harden. Works great for outdoor use to keep the mosquitoes away.  This is a great idea for all you crafty people.  I can't believe I never thought of this.  NO more fighting the mosquitoes at a backyard summer party and no more smelling those awful repellent candles...YUCK!

#79.  Flea Bath: Use a flea and tick shampoo. Rinse, rinse, rinse so no soap residue is left. Follow with final rinse of 2 gallons of water mixed with flea dip and 1 capful of SSS. The SSS helps replace the oils lost in bathing and has the added benefit of repelling insects.

#80.  Flea Repellent: Avon's SSS Bath Oil. 1-1/2 ounces per gallon of water; used as a sponge-on dip (or as a spritz) has been tested and proven to have significant, but not complete, flea-repellent activity for a 6-day period. It should help those dry coats, too.

And my husband's personal favorite.....#99.  It removes tree sap.

I love products that have more than one use and Skin So Soft really does have many uses.  I'm sure some of you have found some that are not on this list so please if you know a use for SSS that is not on the list that I  posted; Post a comment and let us know. 

You can get your Skin So Soft Bath Oil at my Avon Store.  Click Here to Visit 

Also please visit and like my Facebook page for Special Announcements and Promotions!

Special thanks to for posting the list that was used in this Blog.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Check out my New Boutique!

Boutique: How do I love beauty? Let me count the ways.
My favorite must have products, the latest trends and exclusive offers are all waiting for you to discover at my Avon Boutique.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Give Yourself A Great Pedicure with Foot Works.

Avon Foot Works Foot Care

I was spending an enjoyable day with my husband.  We went for a long drive, walked around some shops and basically just bummed around all day. When we arrived back home I decided to end the day with a relaxing pedicure.  It couldn't be too relaxing though as I was the one doing my own but I digress.  I drew a basin of warm water and put in my FW Restorative Foot Soak as my feet needed some major restoration.  This is the first time I've ever used this product and I must say I really enjoyed it.  The soak softened my skin and calluses.  Use 1/2 TBSP to 1 Gallon of Water.

 Next I used the FW Exfoliating Cream. This was my favorite part.  I love to exfoliate; especially my feet.  I love summer time and wearing flip flops and sandals but I hate what it does to my feet so this was a little slice of heaven for me.  I put that on and used my callus file and brush and made sure I got all the dead skin off, then rinsed.  My feet felt great.

Last but definitely not least, the FW Intensive Moisture Cream.  Now it's not the same as having someone else do it but if you can give your feet a little massage while you rub this in it actually is quite nice.   I woke up this morning and my feet were so silky smooth, I almost hated to put on shoes and go outside.

All of these products and more are available right now in our Campaign 13 brochure.  You'll want to add this Ergo Wide Paddle Foot File to your collection as well.  It's only $2.99 right now and the Maximum Strength Cracked Heel Cream is also $2.99.  When you're wearing that cute pair of sandals you bought you don't want to have cracked ugly looking heels.  You want silky smooth skin and the entire FW collection will give that to you!

Check out all the great products we have for you at Shop My Avon Store
Or Contact Me to place your order for you at Laura Roberts 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Avon Elements Skincare Creams.

Skincare made Simple

For a few weeks now I have been really excited to share Avon's new skincare creams with you.  I have been using them and I absolutely love them because they are not heavy or greasy and what I like most about them is that they are made with natural ingredients such as berries, minerals and tea leaves.  So let's take them one by one.

First up is Avon Elements Skin Revitalize.

 The key ingredient with this one is Aronia Berry Complex.  Aronia Berry's are native to Wisconsin and are high in antioxidants.  We all know that antioxidants are good for us but what do they really do?  Well research has shown that antioxidants help reduce the risk for cancer, heart disease, inflammation, diabetes, bacteria infections, and neurological diseases.  Because antioxidants do all of that, it should be no surprise that they also slow the aging process.  

The day cream will give you a more radiant, even and smoother skin tone and the night cream is essential for hydration.  The eye cream will reduce shadows, dark circles and puffiness that we all get around our eyes at one time or another.

Next is Moisture Boost for Combination or Normal Skin Types.

 The key ingredient here for the the Normal Skin Type is a Sea Oak Complex.  This is good for all skin types.  It will give you long lasting moisturization and that silky skin we all long for.

The key ingredient for Combination Skin is Camillia Tea Leaf.  This will give you a non greasy, shine free finish and a more balanced complexion and will help control oily skin.  The eye cream blends well with makeup and smoother, more hydrated feel around the eye area.

The final skincare creams I want to share with you is the one I use and my personal favorite.  Youth Restoring.

Key ingredient is Amethyst Mineral Complex.  This gives you healthier looking skin and will reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.  The eye cream does the same, reduces the puffiness and the appearance of the fine lines or crow's feet that we get as we age.  Not saying I'm old but I did look in the mirror a few weeks back and I saw lines in my face.  I thought ..Where did these come from?".  I was excited to try this product when I was given notice about it being available.  It has worked.  I don't see those fine lines like I did and it makes my skin feel amazing!

Contact me for a sample.  Sample Please!

Visit my webpage and register to order your skin cream today.  Shop My Avon Store